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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wandering In Boulevard

As the title says, I was wandering in Boulevard for the whole noon with Hua Sien! Yaya, Hua Sien again. LoLz! Our main purpose to go to Boulevard was to meet up with two of our cute friends studying in Kuching. Knew them during our practical at General Hospital, Sibu last year.

Tadaa~ Candy + Hua Sien + Ching Ching! They are sooo cute!!

Gifts from them. I took the blue one and Hua Sien took the orange one. XD

Then, we went for shopping in Boulevard.

Tried these two clothes and I was quite satisfied with them but I had not enough money to buy them. So sad! The left one costs around RM52 and the right one costs around RM160!! Argh~ I want them so badly!! If possible I would like to buy one of them at least. Which one is better?

Oh ya, there was an event about Hari Belia there and I took some photos and even a video regarding the event!

Which one is prettier? Some were  with weird walking style and I think some were over-confident. Some were too 'dua ko' (huge in size) if compared to others. I know I shouldn't complain such way because I am 'dua ko' also! XD

Second Runner Up

First Runner Up

Champion!! Sorry the photo is too blur! =P

Group photo of the winners! XD

Yes! We went to Sushi King for dinner! I have been missing and craving sushi for soooo long and even with only RM17 in my wallet I still decided to go to Sushi King!! Crazy right? XD

Left: Hua Sien's Vanilla Ice Cream & Chocolate Syrup -- RM4.90
Right: My Vanilla Ice Cream & Syrup -- RM2.95
I forgot the name but it is the promotion drink of the week! No more hot green tea provided! T^T

Philadelphia Maki -- RM4.00

California Maki -- RM4.00

Golden Ball -- RM4.00

Salmon Mayo -- RM3.00

Takohachi Sushi -- RM3.00

Potato Salad -- RM3.00

Surimi Scallop -- RM4.00

No comments about the sushi because Sushi King is too popular yet too common and I believe most of you have tried them before! But still I wanna say that the Golden Ball, Takohachi Sushi and Surimi Scallop are always my favourite!! XD

Two crazy girls -- Hua Sien and I. Hahahaha!!

Ok, Hua Sien's photo is really precious now because that's the last picture taken for her long fringe and black hair since she has cut her fringe and the most important thing is she has dyed her hair!! And I'm her hair stylish who dyed her hair! SURPRISE! Wait patiently for her to update her profile picture in Facebook ya. Good night everyone! XD


  1. -.- TCP, so funny lo you. buy la, your two dresses. muahahahaha.. so nice what~ i like you wear the RM160 that one. XD

  2. Oh? I also prefer that one but it's too formal. Should I buy it not?? >____<

  3. don't know you oh~ so expensive ler. or you try to look for almsot the same style and cheaper de lor. i think got gua...

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