The fire cracker wake me up this morning!! -___-
But I chose to continue to sleep until my 3rd brother wake me up once again for breakfast! Haha..
I try the online dictionary and it tells me that it's edible bird's nest..
Haha.. Everyone had one bowl of it this morning! =D
Mee sua and an egg are both a MUST!!
When my uncle's family came to visit us,
I was still in pyjamas you know!!
Then, I rush and rush and rush..
And finally got ready to go out lor~
Elaine and me! =D
Elaine and me! =D
She's daughter of one of my cousins.
She's sooooooo cute!! Pretty eyes some more!!
And she's friendly as she keeps a smile on her face!
And she's friendly as she keeps a smile on her face!
She didn't allow me to take photo of her. =(
This is Elaine!
This is Elaine's brother, Clement!
So SE NGE!! LoLz..
I had visited a lot of houses today and got really tired!!
At evening, I went for a Hong Kong movie.
Quite funny but not really nice. LoLz..
Then, we went to Sugarbun and sent Lim to Manila
And I went back home to REST!! =D
Waiting for tomorrow's activities! Hiak hiak hiak..
我之前有位朋友无法生孕,试了很多方法,还是没有成功,最后她使用代孕方法,推荐你们一家彼奥泰珂斯研究中心,他们拥有世界级的高科技医学,以及使用现代化方法,安全问题绝对是保证的,也有多语种工作人员来帮助你,真的是超级棒。 Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯)